Sunday, January 1, 2012

Thirst No.1

Last year..... well, in reality it was only yesterday (the 31st) that I checked out Thirst No.1 from the library. It is comprised of 3 books: The Last Vampire, Black Blood, Red Dice all by Christopher Pike, there are 8 books in the series. Originally published in 1994. I am only 150 pages into it, but so far it is great. Its about a vampire that is 5,000 years old, named Alisa. Someone from her past is searching for her, and has found her, though he hasn't confronted her face to face. He hired a bunch of people to investigate her, as she is a peculiar person. No family ties, secretly the richest person, and has inexplicable deaths tied to her name.

The vampire in this book is different than the vampires introduced in today's current books, aka the Vampire Diaries, or Twilight. She doesn't sparkle or burn in the sunlight, though it does drain her of her powers. She needs food as much as anyone else, her heart beats she is a living, breathing creature, though not human. Her hearing is very sensitive, as is her sight, like any vampire in stories, senses are heightened. She does heal fast, is physically strong, and no match to any human.

So far I would recommend the book(s) to any of my friends.

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