Monday, January 30, 2012

Clogged drain...

One of my cats (Boo) has been getting into sitting in my sink. She loves to play with the water if you turn it on, but if it stays off, she'll just sleep in it. It makes for a muddy sink, as she is an outdoor kitty too. 

If you can't see there are muddy foot prints on the sink ^ (to the left of the picture)

But how can you be upset with that face?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Wind and Power Outs

Jan. 17, 2012:
After about 18 min of watching the season premiere of White Collar the power wavered, it did this twice before officially shutting off. As we were left in the dark, my family all decided to go on a walk on the street to see if they could find what was wrong. We have a ton of trees in the area and its not uncommon for a branch or tree to take a power line out in extreme weather like this. Our yard looks like a battlefield!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Crochet Recorder Case

As I was trying to think of something to do last night, I remembered an idea I had earlier in the week. I wanted to crochet a case for my new recorder (for my lecture class), so I just went for it...I didn't use a pattern or anything, and for that I am really proud of myself. :D So here it is!

Monday, January 9, 2012

First Day of Winter Term


Well here I go, already finished my first class of Winter Term 2012!  Last term went by pretty fast, and I'm hoping this term does too. I am ready for some sun, and heat. It's not fun having to bundle up for the cold Portland city weather. It's always colder here in Portland than it is in Gresham, so if I think it feels cold at home, then I'm going to freeze in Portland. So, I have to put on 15 million layers just to keep warm, you can imagine how heavy it is... :P 

Well I think I've narrowed down which graphic memoir I want to read for my Design and Society class. The options were Maus, Persepolis, or Forget Sorrow. I looked at Forget Sorrow, and I'm not sure i like the style of the drawings in it. Same with Persepolis. SOOOOO I think I am going to pick Maus. Im not sure how to explain what it's about, so if you want to know click HERE. Then we have to get a book called Making Comics, because we will be writing our own story, and analyzing the graphic memoir we read. I'm kinda excited, and kinda scared. I am not a fan of drawing a cartoon me, or cartoons in general.


YAY, I have found a friend from my Design and Society (university studies class) that is in my Idea and Form class, and possibly my History of Western Art! I am SOO excited :D 


Well that was exciting..... On our (Amy and I) way from PSU to Gresham our train pulled into Gateway saying he was going to the center platform so only the left doors would be opening. Then once we were stopped he announced that the train would be HEADED BACK to City Center! So mostly everyone got off, and headed to the eastbound platform. 4 Blue Lines came in the time frame of an hour, and we could only get on the last one. The other 3 were PACKED, like you have no idea. It was like playing sardines on the MAX. It was crazy. We waited an hour in the cold :( haha but it was fun, kinda, besides the cold and being exasperated it was good. We were looking on the bright side and telling ourselves, we would still be in class right then if we hadn't gotten out early. So not being in class was a plus :) Well that was my first day of Winter Term 2012 :D

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Colors of Yarn

I wanted to get a picture of the colors of yarn I currently have on hand. Just to give you guys ideas, if you don't see a color you would like then email me after you order. 

Okay so here are the colors I have: 

You can click on the picture ^ for a larger view

Left to right, starting at the top I have: 6 color (pink yellow, greenish yellow, and white); Chunky pink (little but softer and thicker); Yellow, Green (soft, kinda silky); 3 tone wave (soft, blue, black); Purple; 3 tone wave (black, purple... kinda maroon, it looks different than in the picture); Chunky brown (thicker than the chunky pink); Grey; Chunky light grey (like the chunky brown yarn); Black (silky like the green yarn); Black; Chunky Black (like the chunky brown, and light grey)

Fingerless Gloves

I learned to make these a few months ago, and I think they are awesome. They are pretty easy to make and do their job well! I hope you like them too :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Headband with Flower

I made this a while back, but thought I'd put it up cause I love them!

Not a great picture...I took it with my Webcam. But I wanted to show what it looks like on.

Stuff For Sale


I am now selling handmade things here on my blog. 

Elysian Crafts

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Thirst No.1

Last year..... well, in reality it was only yesterday (the 31st) that I checked out Thirst No.1 from the library. It is comprised of 3 books: The Last Vampire, Black Blood, Red Dice all by Christopher Pike, there are 8 books in the series. Originally published in 1994. I am only 150 pages into it, but so far it is great. Its about a vampire that is 5,000 years old, named Alisa. Someone from her past is searching for her, and has found her, though he hasn't confronted her face to face. He hired a bunch of people to investigate her, as she is a peculiar person. No family ties, secretly the richest person, and has inexplicable deaths tied to her name.

The vampire in this book is different than the vampires introduced in today's current books, aka the Vampire Diaries, or Twilight. She doesn't sparkle or burn in the sunlight, though it does drain her of her powers. She needs food as much as anyone else, her heart beats she is a living, breathing creature, though not human. Her hearing is very sensitive, as is her sight, like any vampire in stories, senses are heightened. She does heal fast, is physically strong, and no match to any human.

So far I would recommend the book(s) to any of my friends.