Last year I added hike all the waterfalls in the Oregon Gorge to my New Years Resolution, and that hasn't happened. I think I lost my list of waterfalls I hiked :( sad day, but I do remember a couple. So I guess I'll just start over for the most part, which is okay. It is definitely a goal I want to eventually complete. :) This may take a while though, as I found a Waterfall Survey website for the NW, and there are 89 official(ish) waterfalls in the Columbia Gorge of Oregon. I found that information
here. Also on these hikes I find lots of other great subjects. I mean, your in the wilderness, there are flowers, snakes, lizards, birds, people and rivers to name a few. This is great practice for my photography.
On Thursday, I went on yet another hike; my friend Justin and I hiked to
Fairy Falls. This waterfall is along the Wahkeena falls hike, but you
go past Wahkeena falls. Before this hike, I wasn't a fan of photographing water, because it can be difficult getting the aperture and shutter speed right. Thankfully it was cloudy and not sunny when we went hiking. It was awesome that it was warm though.. almost feels like summer.
I FINALLY got a watermark together so I could put some of my favorite pictures from the hike up. I've been meaning to do this, and just haven't, and these pictures are some of my favorites so far. So I wanted to keep them as safe as I could from getting them copied, and what not. :) So here they are:
I hope you enjoyed :)
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