Thursday, January 10, 2013

Winter 2013 Term

As my second day (now the 4th... been pretty busy this week) of the Winter 2013 term is ending (starting :) ), I am pretty excited for this term. Mondays and Wednesdays I have work then 2 classes, Color Photography and my UNST (University Studies) class. My color photography teacher is pretty awesome, and already stated that anyone taking 3 studio classes is crazy.... yep that's me though he didn't  know he was talking about me when he said it. My UNST class Knowledge, Values and Rationality seems like it will be better than my Family Studies class I took last term. The teacher is an older gentleman, and he is pretty funny, very animated and goofy... but in a good way. Tuesdays and Thursdays I have my two design classes, Art 210 in the morning, which is Illustration, then after that work, and right after work I have my Art 225 class which is Digital Page Design. I definitely will have my work cut out for me! Its going to be a busy term, but gauging from last term I decided I wasn't going to work as many hours, which will give me more time to do some hopefully awesome design work for my classes, which in turn, can be used in my Portfolio for the Spring. yay..... :)

I will be working out multiple times a week, and definitely want to make time for that. Since I had Mono last term, pretty bad, I thought working out would just kill me even more and make me exhausted. SO, this term I am going to start getting in shape!!

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