Saturday, January 12, 2013

First Project Overviews

As the first week of school has ended, I have started on my projects for my design classes already! WHOO! For both my 225 class and 210 (Digital page design and Illustration) we are doing animal projects. For my illustration class we are making line, gestalt and closed shape illustrations of an animal of our choosing. I chose to do the Adelie Penguin. When I think of a penguin I think of the iconic cartoon black and white penguin, which mostly resembles the Adelie Penguin. Emperor Penguins have yellow on them, therefore I dont think of them as the most iconic penguin. You can see below some of my process work for that project. :)

Illustrated Moodboard (Inspiration)

Actual Penguin References

My Sketches of the Adelie Penguins in different positions.

The below pictures are my rough drafts of the project parameters.... these are in no way the final products! ;)

Closed Shape Penguin.

Line Drawing Penguin.

Gestalt Principle (closure) Penguin 1.

Gestalt Principle (closure) Penguin 2.

The project for 225 (I have yet to start), will be info graphics about an animal of our choosing. Which, of course I will also be using the Adelie Penguin :) Penguins are my favorite animal, and I am happy I can include them in my school work. Updates will be put up once I start the project :) Thanks for reading!

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