Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer is Here!

 In preparation for the Color Run in September, I have been trying to get back into shape! yay? haha Well I have been running 2 miles since the 14th, on weekdays, leaving the weekends as rest days.

On Wednesday a few friends and I went hiking; we went to the Oneonta Gorge, and hiked the lower Oneonta Falls. It was a lot of fun! This was in addition to the 2 miles I've been running o.O It was a lot... The river/stream coming down the gorge was higher than usual, and with my camera and stuff, I couldn't swim across a deep patch to get to the waterfall. But the water was freezing, so I'm glad I wasn't in it deep for longer than I wanted to be. :) Here's some more information on the hike (click) :) And, here is some information about the Oneonta Gorge (click).

Oregon is just so pretty, is it not? There's no way you won't get wet on this hike. So if you ever go, prepare, and dress to get wet. There is a log jam, that can get very slippery, and is not easy to get over.

I was supposed to start my job at PSU on Monday, but, 1. Financial aid didnt tell me soon enough that I needed to get another document in, in order to get my request to start working towards my Federal Work Study award. 2. Financial aid only has one counselor that reviews the requests. 3. It could be a 2 week wait till I get approved to start working. GRRR! But, once I get that, I am free to work 20 hour weeks. yay!

On Monday, I can go pick up my final movie poster project from Art 118. Got an A in that class, both my art classes actually :) Really happy about that too :)

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