Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Importance of Butter!

I definitely learned something on Sunday afternoon.....you need the right amount of butter if you are going to make successful cookies. :P
I decided to make Jam Thumbprint cookies, and didn't realize till I started making a redemption batch of peanut butter cookies that 2/3 cup is more than a full stick of butter! The Jam Thumbprint cookie dough was like soft sand, I could barely clump it together to make the cookie dough balls. I made it work, and they tasted fine; didn't look great... but ehh who cares. :)

 The cookie dough ^ like I said... very crumbly
 My attempt at making balls out of it :P
This was at like....hmmm 10 minutes I think.
After pressing down the middles to make room for the jam....
Finished product..... They tasted fine! Though they looked....not quite like they should :/

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