Thursday, November 8, 2012

An Update On Things!

Since school has started I have not been crocheting at all. I have been either too tired on the max, or working on homework. Since I am taking 16 credits and working, when I get time to sit and relax, that is all I do. I really need t get motivated to work on project, because there's so many things I want to make. And then there's some things I NEED to make for Christmas presents. :D which by the way is creeping up too fast on us. School has been super crazy, and I haven't had a lot of time to do anything but school. I really lucked out on the teachers that I got this term. From seeing what other friends have been doing in their classes, I think the work load would have been so overwhelming if I had their teachers. I thank God that he made it happen this way.

I looked at what I need and want to take next term, winter 2013!!! And it comes up to 16 credits and going to reduce my hours of work, so that I can have more time to do homework. Next term, I am hoping to get into Color Photography! I think that would be so great! So be praying that I get it. I got the last spot in B&W film photography, and that was a close one!

If you haven't already seen, I started my own business. I have been working on getting another blog page up for that. I will hopefully have that up soon, and have all my information there and available. This is very exciting for me, and would love as much support as I can get. I would greatly appreciate it!

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