Thursday, November 8, 2012

An Update On Things!

Since school has started I have not been crocheting at all. I have been either too tired on the max, or working on homework. Since I am taking 16 credits and working, when I get time to sit and relax, that is all I do. I really need t get motivated to work on project, because there's so many things I want to make. And then there's some things I NEED to make for Christmas presents. :D which by the way is creeping up too fast on us. School has been super crazy, and I haven't had a lot of time to do anything but school. I really lucked out on the teachers that I got this term. From seeing what other friends have been doing in their classes, I think the work load would have been so overwhelming if I had their teachers. I thank God that he made it happen this way.

I looked at what I need and want to take next term, winter 2013!!! And it comes up to 16 credits and going to reduce my hours of work, so that I can have more time to do homework. Next term, I am hoping to get into Color Photography! I think that would be so great! So be praying that I get it. I got the last spot in B&W film photography, and that was a close one!

If you haven't already seen, I started my own business. I have been working on getting another blog page up for that. I will hopefully have that up soon, and have all my information there and available. This is very exciting for me, and would love as much support as I can get. I would greatly appreciate it!

B&W Photography - Tabletop/ Point of View Project

In my black and white photography class, we were given the assignment to photograph things as they are, but to move around them, taking shots from different angles. I do not have the photos back, so I will update this one when I do :)