Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fall Term 2012

Woah, today was my third day of Fall term 2012 at Portland State University. I am getting a little overwhelmed already; I am taking 16 credits, working about 17 hours a week at school, and have Mono! Whoo! But, seriously, I can say I am definitely feeling the effects of Mono, and have been really tired.

I can tell this year will be really fun. I am taking 4 classes, 3 of them are art classes. These include: Typography I, Narrative and Communication Design, Black and White Photography, and Family Studies. I am glad to have friends in 2 of the 4 classes, or at least people I know. It's still fun to meet new people, just its not as important in the 2 that I know people in. So far, I'm managing my time well, and am getting things done ahead of time, rather than last minute, which I think will be essential. Google calendars is going to play a big part in my organization.

On another note, I am excited to be participating in the Color Run on Saturday! If you don't know what it is check out this link. I am going to pick up my packet on Friday.... tomorrow, so will definitely document that :P It's going to be a lot of fun! I am glad a couple of my friends are doing it with me. Because I have mono, I will be taking it kind of easy, and doing my best, which may not be running, or jogging for that matter. Just depends on how I'm feeling.

ALSO, I have a semi finished logo for my photography; now I just need to get a Doing Business As, and I will be set.

I am hoping this year to be posting about projects I am doing, and how my Sophomore year at PSU is going :) So, Stay Tuned!